Will Wood & The Tapeworms Premiere Bombastic Single
“Dr. Sunshine is Dead!”


For Fans Of: Mr. Bungle, Tom Waits, Foxy Shazam, Gogol Bordello, Man Man, My Chemical Romance

Stream “Dr. Sunshine is Dead!” Exclusively via Horror Society HERE

Clifton, NJ // JULY 29, 2016: The wildly off-kilter and surprisingly infectious work of oddball art-rockers Will Wood and the Tapeworms exploded out of the gate with their latest music video for single “Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity: Tulpamancer’s Prosopagnosia as Direct Result of Trauma to the Fusiform Gyrus” (premiered via Fangoria HERE), and show no signs of stopping as they team up with Horror Society (LINK) to unveil one of the most arresting and bombastic tracks on the record: “Dr. Sunshine is Dead!”

This hard-rocking, latin-infused progressive rock track features some of the most intricate composition and dramatic performances on the record, including a red-hot trumpet performance by Foxy Shazam’s Nauth. This MyChem meets Mars Volta track is Will Wood’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” twisting and turning at maddening pace a la Mr. Bungle, with just a touch of Man Man and Gogol Bordello influences, and blazing with shredding guitars, growling saxophones, smashed piano, howling vocals and a 5/4 breakdown.

Stream “Dr. Sunshine is Dead!” Exclusively via Horror Society HERE or below:

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Will Wood and the Tapeworms are building an entire subculture of fans, subverting the norms of both mainstream and countercultural music. Spearheaded by the “intriguing and histrionic” (Star-Ledger, 2016) singer-songwriter Will Wood, the eccentric five-piece is releasing their sophomore LP Self-Ish, a crowd-funded concept album, on August 23rd. The album features the impressive musical talents of Matt Olsson of Frnkiero andthe Cellabration, Alex Nauth of Foxy Shazam, and has been produced by Kevin Antreassian of The Dillinger Escape Plan.

This highly unusual and borderline avant-garde concept album makes its advance debut on August 19th at Mexicali Live in Teaneck, NJ, where Will Wood and the Tapeworms will be performing the album front-to-back cabaret-style, covering the stage with confetti and face paint and bringing their theatrical tunes to life. Tickets are available online via links below.

Event/Ticket Link

Biography: Will Wood and the Tapeworms are a five-piece experimental rock outfit based out of northern New Jersey, lead by singer/songwriter and pianist Will Wood, who appeared entirely out of nowhere some time in 2015. Armed with cleverly-crafted and surreal anti-folk songs, Wood assembled a group of performers and began crashing around New Jersey covered in face paint and confetti. Unusual instrumentation, foreign scales, and highly theatrical performances give Will Wood and the Tapeworms a unique and hard-to-define voice. Will Wood and the Tapeworms dress up in drag and bowties, barrel around the stage hollering at the top of their lungs, and unpredictably swing from collapsing to their knees to collapsing into each others arms. And while the Tapeworms pump up audiences, Will Wood entertains with shockingly honest comedy and personal anecdotes about his life as a true eccentric. They regularly perform on the NJ/NY indie scene and plan to begin national touring soon.

Connect with Will Wood & The Tapeworms:
Snapchat: tapewormsmusic


#Tags to Copy/Paste: Will Wood & The Tapeworms, Horror Society, Fangoria, Adam Nawrot, Alex Nauth, Foxy Shazam, The Skulx, Matt Olsson, Frnkiero and the Cellabration, Kevin Antreassian, Backroom Studios, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Mr. Bungle, Tom Waits, Gogol Bordello, My Chemical Romance


What the Press is saying about Will Wood and the Tapeworms

…the hypnotic oddities and excess are only intensified by the manic sound… a journey into glittering hysteria – Brownie Marie of AXS Entertainment, 2016 [LINK]


[Music video description] …wildly destabilising – Jordan Mooney of Cat on the Wall, 2016 [LINK]


 [Music video description] …Gleefully deranged – Shawn Macomber of Fangoria 2016 [LINK]


…The epitome of a performance – The Aquarian, 2015

…arresting…the beacon of positive expression in a tempestuous mind… – The Star-Ledger, 2016

…loud and colorful, and everything that could be attractive about a great eclectic outfit…fascinating…really special, both musically and aesthetically – Dying Scene, 2016

For further articles and quotes visit – http://www.willwoodandthetapeworms.com/press

Elevator Pitch Bio: Will Wood and the Tapeworms is the strange and fabulous brainchild of singer/songwriter and pianist Will Wood, who’s eccentric yet catchy songs range from dark and deadly to bright and bold. WWATT is a dramatic and bombastic band with a flair for the theatrical, the colorful, and the unique.

Additional Press Photos (cleared for posting)

Previous Press Release (cleared for public posting)

Will Wood & The Tapeworms Unveil Official Music Video for 
“Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity: Tulpamancer’s Prosopagnosia as Direct Result of Trauma to the Fusiform Gyrus”


View the official music video exclusively through FANGORIA – LINK

Clifton, NJ // JULY 8, 2016: Will Wood and the Tapeworms have blown the doors off what a conventional music video looks like, releasing their short film for “Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity: Tulpamancer’s Prosopagnosia as Direct Result of Trauma to the Fusiform Gyrus” today to promote their new, crowdfunded album, Self-ishWill Wood takes the reigns alongside MTV and VH1 international action-filmmaker Adam Nawrot to take his audience on a visual carnival ride, chalk-full of demented swing-punk riffs and anti-folk hysteria throughout.

The title, “Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity: Tulpamancer’s Prosopagnosia as Direct Result of Trauma to the Fusiform Gyrus,” may be a mouthful, but the video itself is an eyeful. Will Wood and the Tapeworms monochromatically bare all, floating in a white room that could be anything from the void to the vanity shot. Body paint, confetti, money, beads, art-house nudity, and Will Wood’s signature psychedelic goth-drag dare you to keep watching and listening, and will leave you utterly baffled, furiously googling “who is Mr. Capgras?”

“The process of shooting this music video was a lot like the content. It was euphoria and dysphoria,” Wood remarks. “Everyone took their clothes off, even when not filming. We all kissed and held each other and said, ‘I love you,’ talking of liberation and the freedom we felt in those moments. We were knee-deep in hedonism and histrionics, ego and one-ness. We were the yin and yang of self-love and free love. All the most beautiful things in this world seem paradoxical, like narcissism and humility, dress-up and nudity, black and white. All one. And that’s what makes the video honest — the fact that we used our vulnerability as our vanity. We worshiped our flaws and revered our imperfections.”

“Mr. Capgras” appears late in the Self-ish tracklist, which includes guest appearances by Alex Nauth of Foxy Shazam / The Skulx, as well as Matt Olsson of Frnkiero and the Cellabration playing drums on the entirety of the record. The album was produced by Kevin Antreassian of Backroom Studios and The Dillinger Escape Plan fame, and is due out in August.

View the official music video exclusively through FANGORIA – LINK

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