THE VENETIA FAIR Throw in the Towel

with Departure Statement, Final New Track and Farewell Shows

The Venetia Fair Behind The Curtains Media

BOSTON, MA // December 22, 2015: After 6 years of memorable music, crazy live shows and whacky jokes, The Venetia Fair officially announced their break up today.

The band broke the news to their fans today on Facebook, in true TVF style:

“Please don’t make us be in The Venetia Fair anymore! Please please please! We will be in another band if you want, we still like each other a lot just please let it be a different one. We will be in Metallica if they will take us or we will just make another band that isn’t The Venetia Fair if that’s cool. We are very appreciative that you let us be The Venetia Fair for as long as you did but PLEASE let us stop being The Venetia Fair and then maybe let us continue not being The Venetia Fair FOREVER!!! We will play a show or two and you can listen to a song we made but after that please begin forgetting The Venetia Fair ever existed. If this is quoted somewhere in an article or blog or like maybe you are just telling your friend what we said, you better not say hiatus anywhere or we will be VERY mad! THANK YOU WE ARE SAD KIND OF YOU WERE ALL REALLY NICE TO US SEE YA ROUND OR WHATEVER!!!!!”

Though this news may sting, the guys aren’t leaving us empty handed. They’ve announced a series of 3 Farewell Shows (HERE) this February (MA, RI, NY), and have also posted one final song, “Death Is The Poor Man’s Doctor” (HERE) to Bandcamp as a parting gift.

Also, be sure to check out the band’s Online Store (HERE), to grab a their remaining merch while it lasts!

Though we’re sorry to see them go, talks with certain members have revealed that this may not be the last we hear from them…so stay tuned!

The Venetia Fair Behind The Curtains Media
Remember The Venetia Fair:
TagsToCopy/Paste: The Venetia Fair, Farewell, Death Is The Poor Man’s Doctor, Those Mockingbirds, Trophy Wives, Que Sera, The Color and Sound, Old Best Friend, Behind The Curtains Media

Once you hear The Venetia Fair, you won’t forget them. They approach rock music with theatrical flourishes and manic energy, their sonic palette featuring elements such as frenzied rag-time piano, over-the-top bombastic horns, and red-hot guitar licks.

Highly praised for their live show, the five men are possessed by some unknown energy. Their onstage mania has led to some injuries amongst the band members, but thus far nothing debilitating.

The Venetia Fair inspires borderline obsessions amongst their fanbase, so much so that the band was able to self-release their third album off the back of a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign. The campaign shot past its fund-raising goal in four days, and the band recorded and released Every Sick, Disgusting Thought We’ve Got in Our Brain. The new album has gained some serious buzz, with Alternative Press, Absolute Punk, and PureVolume all agreeing that The Venetia Fair is a band that you need to know about right now. And more and more people are finding out about them each night, as the band causes mayhem on stages across the nation. And to be honest, the road is the best place for them anyways. If you leave them at home for too long, something might end up catching on fire.

Panic! At The Disco just lost their shit and went on a killing spree” – Alt Press
Previous Press Materials:

TVF tour tvf1 tvf2

(April 7, 2015 Press Release)

The Venetia Fair kick-off April tour with Icarus the Owl
Leading up to Launch Music Festival Performances

BOSTON, Mass. // April 7, 2015 – Theatrical rock-band THE VENETIA FAIR announced the start of their “Launch Tour 2015” as they hit the road later this week. With support from fellow rockers Icarus the Owl, they will be touring the east coast leading up to their performance at the Launch Music Conference in Lancaster, PA on 4/25.

“It has been quite some time since we’ve been a hazard to the country, so I’m really looking forward to being able to get out there and ruin people’s evenings again… particularly our friends in Icarus the Owl!” they noted. “Since gas has gone down so much, we’re going to be sure to burn a twenty-dollar bill from each show in order to compensate and keep things the same!”

Additional support will be provided by The Great Heights Band for the first leg of the tour (4/11-4/17) and Que Sera for the remainder (4/17-4/25); a full list of tour dates is provided below. All four bands will be performing at the Launch Music Conference on Saturday 4/25 at the Lancaster Country Convention Center. It is free for badgeholders and $10 for general public.

Launch runs from April 23-26th combining a music conference and festival to bring together all aspects of the industry. Held in historic Downtown Lancaster, PA Launch is celebrating it’s seventh straight year. Badges, event information and a full schedule can be found on

The Launch Tour 2015
The Venetia Fair & Icarus the Owl

4/11 – Richmond, VA @ Canal Club *
4/12 – Baltimore, MD @ Ottobar *
4/13 – Indianapolis, IN @ Hoosier Dome *
4/14 – Barrington, IL @ Penny Road Pub *
4/15 – Detroit, MI @ Hatchey’s *
4/16 – Kent, OH @ The Outpost *
4/17 – Buffalo, NY @ Broadway Joe’s *^
4/18 – Providence, RI @ Simon’s 667 ^
4/19 – Worcester, MA @ Club Oasis ^
4/21 – Brooklyn, NY @ Coco 66 ^
4/22 – Clifton, NJ @ Dingbatz ^
4/24 – Trenton, NJ @ Championship Bar ^
4/25 – Lancaster, PA @ Launch Music Conference *^
* The Great Heights Band
^ Que Sera