For Fans of : Cuddling, Long Walks on the Beach, Yanni,
Converge & The Dillinger Escape Plan

After years of laying dormant awaiting the perfect plague opp, The Mayor is back!

The Mayor Press Photo for Freight Train

The Acropolis of Athens | Mar 8th, 2021 –  After laying dormant for 10 years in the musty basement of The Acropolis awaiting Yanni‘s arrival, The Mayor grew impatient and decided to take the pandemic as an opportunity to reemerge with new material. Although unknown as to his whereabouts, Yanni himself has conjured the powerhouse peasant-trio back into his ranks to create a new EP titled, Yanni 5 is Alive at The Acropolis due to plummet towards earth early Spring of 2021. “Freight Train” is the first release off of their EP which is exclusively premiering over at Mathcore Index LINK. The track is battered with layered shred-sticks provided by James “Bond” Ryan (Gloomfeather), plague-infused screaming of Mike “Tyson” Abiuso (Kiss Kiss, The Gay Blades, The Venetia Fair) and back-boned together with Kevin “Bacon” Otto’s slimey pig skin work. The peasants took hold of Sammy “Davis” Houston for what was thought to be a day to provide some low-end grunt work on the bass, but apparently no one has seen Sammy since. Luckily there has been no cause for alarm because he is clearly in good hands. “Freight Train” was written, recorded, mixed, mastered, filmed and edited at Behind the Curtains Media in Brooklyn, NY.

About The Mayor :  The Mayor is a three-piece band comprised of Mike “Tyson” Abiuso (Baritone Guitar/Vocals), James “Bond” Ryan (Guitar/Energy Inducer), and Kevin “Bacon” Otto (Pig Skins). The metal peasants formed in the late 2000’s mostly as a spur-of-the-moment decision to crank out a song or two that was A) Heavy, and B) Fun. They decided to leave any constraints of “giving a f*%# if anyone actually likes it” at the door and just blast as hard as they could. The Mayor’s 2010 release of There Will Be No Miracles Here is available for free via Bandcamp HERE.

Follow The Mayor, and their progress on the various social media accounts listed below. Thank you for taking the time to learn about The Mayor and their quest to make Yanni a proud dad!

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Tags : TheMayor, Yanna, MikeAbiuso, Mike Tyson, JamesRyan, JamesBond, KevinOtto, KevinBacon, SamHouston, SammyDavis, AliveAtTheAcropolis, MathcoreIndex, Metal, Converge, TheDillingerEscapePlan, BehindTheCurtainsMedia