sxsw contestContest Instructions: Hey everyone, we’re beyond thrilled to be hosting these showcases, and would love to get everyone involved and really make these parties pop the fuck off, which is why we put together a little (well, kind of BIG) contest giveaway! Basically all you have to do is follow these 2 easy steps:

  1. Share this on Facebook & Twitter via the widgets to the left of the page
  2. Enter the required fields in the form below to allow us to contact you and get you over the goods

THAT’S IT! We will be giving the prize away to a winner chosen at random!

Enter To Win!

By clicking Subscribe you are agreeing to be added to our mailing lists. You may opt out at any time, but this will invalidate your entry for our SXSW 2016 Contest. Winner will be randomly selected on 3/17/16. Trouble Registering? Click here!

The prize package contains the following:

The Skulx: Flast and shot glass
Oil Boom: 7″ record
The Black Atlas: T-shirt
Hooka Hey: Untamed CD + sticker pack
Stolas: Stickers + Allomaternal CD + singed poster
Oranges: Taxonomy CD
The Courtesy Tier: EP CD + Stickers
Good English: signed poster + CD
Hail The Sun: T-Shirt
Icarus The Owl: Pilot Waves CD
Fable Cry: S/T CD
Flannel Mouth: The Prisoner’s Cinema CD
SwitchBitch Records: Compilations CD samples + sticker pack

[TheChamp-Sharing title=”Don’t Forget To Share!”]

Shhhhut Up and Listen!


Thursday, March 17, 2016
Behind TheCurtains Media || RockerStalker || SwitchBitchRecords
SXSW Day Party at Hole In The Wall (2538 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX)

Confirm Attendance via Facebook Event HERE

11AM DOORS, 21+
$2 beers courtesy of Lone Star!

Connect with the Line Up:
12 The Black Atlas | 12:50 Stolas | 1:40 Oranges | 2:30 Good English 
3:20 Hail The Sun | 4:10 Oil Boom | 5 The Skulx | 5:50 The Ongoing Concept

12:25 Blackfoot Gypsies | 1:15 Hooka Hey | 2:05 Courtesy Tier | 2:55 Vivid Dreams
3:45 Icarus The Owl | 4:35 Fable Cry | 5:25 Flannel Mouth | 6:15 The Wans

SXSW 16 hole in the wall



Friday, March 18, 2016
Behind TheCurtains Media || RockerStalker || SwitchBitchRecords
SXSW Day Party at Big Bang Bar (415 E 6th St. Austin, TX)

Confirm Attendance via Facebook Event HERE


Connect with the Line Up:
Good English | Courtesy Tier | Fable Cry | The Wans | Flannel Mouth | The Skulx

Behind The Curtains Media SXSW showcase