“The meeting of two worlds:

Digital Art and Music”

View the NFT here

BROOKLYN | JUNE 18, 2021 – The worlds of music and art collide as digital Artist Stella Chang and Producer Mike Abiuso release their first collaboration today as an NFT on the Open Sea marketplace entitled “Singular No 3 – Exoskeleton”.

As the music world struggles with the low-payout from music streaming platforms, musicians have turned to selling music through the crypto world and the NFT. The artist and composer have created 4 NFTs to release this summer, all involving digital moving art and original musical compositions that last less than a minute long. The NFTs will be sold as one-of-a-kind art pieces, where the buyer will be the sole proprietor of the moving art and music. Imagine your home with framed art, that is not just static, but
moving and emitting sound. It is a new frontier for both art and commerce, as the only way to purchase this is by using Ethereum crypto currency by way of an NFT marketplace.

Artist Stella Chang explains the inspiration behind her moving art:

“I’m no longer afraid to share the inspiration behind my art. Sometimes it’s not about capturing likeness or prettiness, but a coping mechanism for something that is so damn painful and real. The piece is an ink illustration blended with gray watercolor and you guessed it, x-ray scans. 2017 was a rough year for me health-wise. I was in the waiting room waiting for the results of my x-ray scans that my PC at the time sat me down and said: “ you will need to make a decision soon about whether you want to go into surgery or not. This thing is growing and will keep growing. We can control the growth with medication up to a point but not for long. If you do go into surgery you will never have children again. Me being me immediately got mesmerized by the pretty x-ray scans in the darkroom. Yeah that’s my pelvis and I see the nasty growth but what if I change it by repainting it to make it into the exoskeleton of a beautiful butterfly? Coping mechanism, maybe? But the impossible beauty removed me from the emotional turmoil and the physical pain and gave me some semblance of control back into my hands. I had my surgery in 2019.”

– Stella Chang

Mike Abiuso explains his approach to composing the music for the NFT:

“I’ve known and been a huge fan of Stella’s work for quite some time now and something I noticed when gazing into her pieces at art galleries is that each individual work of art takes my mind on a little rollercoaster adventure through a variety of feelings, emotions, and atmospheres. Ever smell something that immediately brings you back say 15 or 20 years to a very specific moment in time? Similar to that. For myself, those mental flashbacks often come fully equipped with sonic elements too, so I was fully intrigued and honored when Stella suggested we partner for this project. I hope you enjoy!”

-Mike Abiuso

The idea came to light several months ago during the NFT and cryptocurrency mania that hit the global media landscape, exploring how musicians can sell their work without the middleman of a DSP such as Spotify or Apple Music pay nearly nothing to the artist. With sales of an NFT, the artist not only gets paid for the sale but could be paid with a percentage royalty by way of embedded metadata in the NFT every time the ownership of the NFT change. Imagine an artist getting paid every time a physical record is sold, and then making money every time that very same record is sold thereafter for the life of the record?
The sale of the NFT will be posted on a public blockchain ledger, an incorruptible way of posting the value and current owner of the item.


Stella Chang is a visual artist from San Jose, California who grew up in the U.S., Taiwan, and Canada. Instead of focusing on the “representational figurative” or “realism,” Stella fully embraces the idea of creating the “unseen” so that each piece becomes a visual exploration. In 2015 Stella founded her own creative studio ModaRévisé to dedicate herself fully as a conceptual artist whose weapon of choice is using a mixed media of 3D printing and glass/metal dibond prints to create unusual sensory experience for viewers. She is currently an artist member of the prestigious Society Of Illustrators and Salmagundi Art Club in New York City.

Learn more about Stella Chang here.

Mike Abiuso is a producer/composer working in Brooklyn, New York who in 2014 opened up a multi-media production studio called Behind the Curtains Media. Mike records and composes music for recording artists, feature films, and podcasts, and his team at Behind the Curtains Media promotes all artists and works involved.

Learn more about Mike Abiuso here.

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