Geordie Kieffer Releases Official Music Video for “Red Line”


For Fans Of: Pharrell, Robert DeLong, Matt & Kim

View Geordie Kieffer’s Official Music Video for “Red Line” via Myspace

LOS ANGELES, CA // August 24, 2016: The infamously sexy and comedic imagination of LA’s agro-pop wiz-kid, Geordie Kieffer, has culminated in a delightfully twisted new video for his newest single, “Red Line” which premiered via Myspace [LINK].

The singer-songwriter/producer, as well as Georgetown University postgraduate, has been working diligently to literally recreate this video — he explains, “One of my friends who happened to be in [the first version] got a big time movie deal and her agents wouldn’t let us put out ‘Red Line.’ Too graphic, not the right image. Therefore, we needed to start fresh with a new director, producer, et cetera.”

The video for “Red Line,” unlike its beloved precursor, “Tastes Like Chocolate,” is shot in a stark black-and-white, drawing a sharp contrast between the good and the evil within its three-minute running time. “This video was a fucking ball. I mean, who doesn’t like drugs, violence, and cake?!” Geordie posits. “Unlike ‘Tastes Like Chocolate,’ this video was shot very quickly. We had a concept that we liked and we wanted to get it done. My mom hates it, but she still loves me.”

As the video’s monochromatic veil might suggest, “Red Line” has the music and lyrical content to coincide, as well as launch Geordie’s career. He notes, “I remember that the first thing that got laid down was that raggedly harsh synth. I knew some people wouldn’t dig it, but for me, it was love at first listen. I knew the song had to be hard as fuck to keep up with that synth bass, so I guess I just started screaming about the accolades and pitfalls of American society, [and] in essence, a macro look at my own micro character defects. I think it was here, writing and recording ‘Red Line,’ that I finally found my voice. I found Agro-Pop. I was like, ‘Shit! I don’t have to sing all airy soft and sweet! I can scream and yell and fuck shit up and still have it be melodic and catchy. Well goddamn, I’m in!'”

The music video for “Red Line” was produced by John Conaboy and Geordie Kieffer, and directed by Sela Shiloni.

View the Official Music Video for Geordie Kieffer’s “Red Line” via Myspace [HERE] or below:

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Equipped with a free spirit and a mind of his own, Geordie Kieffer is making moves. The LA-based musician is set on infusing the scene with his incomparable vibe complete with grit, groove, and sexual satire. The self-proclaimed “badass mother fucker poet” draws influence from anything and everything, making his sound something worth hearing. geordie. celebrates individualism through creating tunes with elements spanning from hip-hop to country to straight up sunshine. His breakthrough jam “Tastes Like Chocolate” is a comedic ear-worm bound to reel in new listeners as this artist crafts his next hit. Geordie’s music is destined to inspire a good time. Listen, laugh, and party on.


Connect with Geordie Kieffer:


TagsToCopy/Paste: Geordie Kieffer, Red Line, Myspace, Tastes Like Chocolate, Music Video, Pharrell, Robert DeLong, Matt & Kim, Behind The Curtains Media

Additional Press Photos (cleared for public posting after Aug 19):



Previous press release: 5.20.2016

geordie. Drops Official Music Video for “Tastes Like Chocolate”

In Anticipation for West Coast Summer Showcases & Music Video for single “Red Line”

geordie. Behind The Curtains Media

LOS ANGELES, CA // May 20, 2016: The freshest new vibes coming from the streets of western LA are from rising singer-songwriter and producer, geordie. The “agro-pop” mastermind and postgraduate student at Georgetown University has been maniacally hacking away in his makeshift studio, cultivating a sexual (and sometimes comedic) sonic upheaval unlike any before it. geordie.’s latest single, “Tastes Like Chocolate,” is about a Caucasian young man who has discovered his budding palate for “less vanilla” tastes. geordie. describes his music as largely autobiographical, and adds, “The song was written about a girl, as is so often the case; the kind of girl you want to celebrate like royalty. A white guy has a crush on this black chick, and he immediately gets this wonderful ego boost because of her mild validation. He thinks he’s the man and that she’s down with him, when in reality she just likes having him around fawning like a puppy.” The song and video clock in at just over four minutes, chock-full of exaggerated flattery and pandering to the new chocolate lady love of his life.

One might ask where a fun and sexy lyrical theme like this originates: “The song just appeared out of thin air,” geordie. explains. “I knew I was I was going to write something that was about her because I had no choice. I was thinking only of her. I just didn’t know what it was going to be about until I got to the chorus, and then I found it.” When asked how long it took to craft the words, he replied, “[It was] by far the fastest song I’ve ever completed. Took maybe two days, tops. You basically black out, and wake up and have a song.”

But as geordie. is known to do, there is an honest and forthright theme woven delicately throughout, and in his own words, “this song/video is about the celebration of being with someone you’re proud of. It’s self-deprecating and satirical at its core. I don’t know about anyone else, but when I honestly catch feelings for someone, it shows. There’s really nothing I can do to suppress that.”

The “Tastes Like Chocolate” music video was directed by John Conaboy, Danny Gilani and geordie.

View the Official Music Video for geordie.’s “Tastes Like Chocolate” Below: