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FFO: Cursive, Brand New, Thrice, Foxy Shazam, Johnny Cash
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Flannel Mouth, an old western term for “one having a way with words,” keeps its definition intact as this four-piece theatrical rock act releases its debut LP, “The Prisoner’s Cinema.” Vocalist/lyricist, Luke Myers, tells the tragic, gruesome story of a young man learning the difference between love and crimes of passion. The frenzied and guttural story is matched by its soundtrack — manic-albeit-fluid — punctuated by the eccentric bass lines of Ryan Batalon, heavy swing beats of Tyler Owen, and the atmospheric leads of Zachary Hartman on guitar, trumpet, organ, fiddle, and more. If Tarantino wrote a script to be scored by The Dear Hunter, performed by Cursive, engineered by Foxy Shazam, and produced by Brand New, Flannel Mouth would be the end result. And one would certainly not want to miss that feature presentation.

Elevator pitch bio (.rtf) | Extended bio (.rtf)

Live Reel:

The Prisoner’s Cinema
Produced by Michael Abiuso and Flannel Mouth @ The Office (Peoria, IL)
Mixed and mastered by Michael Abiuso @ SwitchBitch Studios (Brooklyn, NY)
Bandcamp | iTunes | Amazon | Spotify
Lyrics (.rtf) | Download album art (.jpg)

“The Dark Ages” lyric video:

Video by Kirsten Krupps |
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What the Media is Saying About FLANNEL MOUTH:

“The entire album is a musical odyssey that promises enjoyment multiple times over. Flannel Mouth is hands down, in one word, amazing. Keep an eye on the horizon for their future works, as this group is sure to go far.” – New Music Inferno [LINK]

“The biggest hardcore music lovers hold each precious band close to their heart. The constant struggle to keep them to yourself repeats itself with every listen, yet you share them with the world around you. You hate the idea of them becoming “mainstream” or for them to “sell out,” but inside, you know everyone would connect with this band you cherish so much. It’s that bittersweet struggle of remaining somewhere between underground and breaking through. This is one of those bands.” – Goodnight Magazine [LINK]

“Flannel Mouth may come from a town of a thousand, but the four-piece group has probably been described in a couple thousand ways. Their sound is unlike any other, and that’s something the guys embrace.” – Highlight Magazine [LINK]

“If you’re bored of listening to the same type of music and want something with some grit, these songs tempt you to reach for a glass of some good bourbon and dream about how hot hell is.” –Eat Sleep Breathe Music [LINK]

As seen on stage with Highly Suspect, Hawthorne Heights, Paradise Fears, The SkulxThree Years Hollow, Another Lost Year, and more.

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For press inquiries (interviews, features, album reviews, etc.) contact:
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