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Amnesia Beach Release New Single “The Light”

For Fans of: The 1975, Jack’s Mannequin, The Neighbourhood, Bastille
Purchase “The Light” on Itunes Here

ORANGE COUNTY, CA / March 23, 2015 – California’s AMNESIA BEACH released their new indie-rock anthem single “The Light” today. As their second recent release, the song showcases the versatile and growing sound of Amnesia Beach. Confronting the battle of overcoming dark times, “The Light” represents the ability of always have a choice and being able to move forward in life. With plans for a new album underway, Amnesia Beach has a new-found fire of inspiration guiding them forward.

Following in the wake of their last single “Fire & Liars” which featured a strong pop-punk streak, “The Light” has emerged as an evolution of sound, though both originated from the same roots. “It had been about two years since I released an album when I finally decided to make the push to start recording music again,” said creator Elben Capule. “Real life took over for a while and I wasn’t too happy with the state of the music industry and where I was in the scheme of it all. Adult responsibilities took over amongst many other things, and that put me in a really dark place. I eventually made the choice that I was the one that needed to change my own circumstances and went in the studio to record two new singles – both coming from a very angry and dark place.”

When demoing the “The Light” it began as angsty and angry as “Fire & Liars” but Capule found himself looking to grow beyond these limits of negativity. Working with guidance from producer Jesse Barrera (ex-My American Heart) the song transformed almost overnight in a burst of inspiration to its current, uplifting form. “It’s about coming out of a dark place and not letting it take over the light within you. I think we as human beings have the choice to go towards darkness or light, and going through that experience I feel like it’s actually easier to go towards darkness… but it doesn’t mean that’s where you should go necessarily. And I think that’s a struggle everyone goes with at some point in their life.” Through his own experience, Capule noted that his struggle has helped him grow as a person and artist; “The Light” being a literal turning point in his career with Amnesia Beach, finding new inspiration and direction.

Amnesia Beach is currently working on a third single to be released later this year, alongside material for a full-length album. An accompanying lyric video for “The Light” (produced by Eldete) will be released later this week on Amnesia Beach’s Facebook. They are also running a contest to promote the new single by giving away free merch to one random winner who shares the new song (see their Facebook for details on how to enter). “The Light” can be streamed and purchased on ItunesBandcamp, and Spotify.


BIOGRAPHY – California native Elben Capule is the driving force behind Amnesia Beach, the vehicle in which he explores the musical world as a singer/songwriter. Raised as a classical pianist, Capule always longed for more, wanderlust constantly lingered in his mind to escape from the notes that confined him to a page. Amnesia Beach delivers his journey with a diverse range of sounds, what he likes to call Southern Californian heart and Northern Californian soul; from feel good indie rock anthems to stripped down acoustic melodies that will tear your insides apart, you’ll discover everywhere Capule has been and where he longs to go.

Follow Amnesia Beach:
Facebook / Twitter / IG: @AmnesiaBeachMusic / Bandcamp

#TagsToCopyPaste: Amnesia Beach, The Light, Elben Capule, Jesse Barrera, new music, Eldete, merch giveaway, Behind The Curtains Media

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